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WSGRI Organizes Fire Control Knowledge Lecture and Evacuation Drill
CopyFrom:MCC Date:26 June 2015
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To strengthen the fire safety awareness of employees and enhance their ability to deal with fires, Wuhan Surveying Geotechnical Research Institute Co., Ltd. (WSGRI) organized a series of fire safety education activities on the morning of June 10th.Director of the Wuhan Fire Control Propaganda Center Yang Wei was specially invited to give an informative fire control lecture named 'Keep life away from fire' in the multifunctional hall of the industrial building before the emergency evacuation drill took place.
In the lecture, Director Yang alerted staff to strengthen their fire safety awareness by presenting shocking and vivid cases. He also emphasized the importance of paying attention to precaution awareness and stated that taking preventive measures is the most important aspectof fire control. He then introduced nine pieces of family fire-fighting equipment: fire extinguisher, bright flashlight, radio, axe, gas/smoke mask, smoke detector, gas leakage alarm, 5 kilograms of clean water and the tourniquet bandage. He went on to demonstrate the use of the fire extinguisher and the gas/smoke mask. Finally, hepresented some cases of fire rescue and escape and taught methods for escaping from fire.
The fire evacuation drill was organized in the complex building. The smoke detector automatically sounded an alarm after the lighting of a smoke bomb and the fire drill command team guided the staff to the corresponding exit passageway. The staff wereevacuated to the safe meeting place in an orderly fashion with wet towels covering their noses and mouths. Deputy GeneralManager Liu Yaofeng summarized the drill and stressed that we must lower our bodies when descending staircases, inhale as little smoke as possibleand evacuate calmly in order to avoid a panicked rush.


